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You searched for: cover up

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  • Cat destroying couch tells owner not to listen to fake news.
  • To cover up the failed robbery, pickpocket compliments victim's butt instead.
  • Woman turns cake with a ninety-one upside down to be a sixteen.
  • Woman disguises passing gas as noise of a sound birthday card.
  • Dog makes up story about losing fight to Doberman despite having cat whisker on him.
  • A kid is allergic to sunscreen, so he wears hundreds of pairs of sunglasses.
  • T-shirts designed especially for people at an arraignment hearing.
  • A woman finds five golden rings by accident.
  • A woman poaches ear wax from elephants.
  • A lawyer shows a picture of a baby climbing over his baby gate in the "Babygate Trial."
  • Mrs. Claus thinks Santa wore his red suit to the beach, but he just has a sunburn.
  • A doctor approaches a patient with a spiky tool to give him wounds to test Band-Aids on.

You searched for: cover up